Sunday, January 21, 2007

Another week goes by. . .

And I wish I could just get myself in a routine to blog a little each day when I think of what I want to say, and not after a week or so when I can't remember all the "important things" I have to write about.

So, let's start with the . . I have some kind of winter nesting or organization illness. I have cleaned out clothes closets, bookshelves, kitchen and dining room cupboards, underneath sinks, storage closets and everything else in between. I have become the "garbage queen" once again to my hubby as I toss expired foods, toiletries and things I don't know why I have them. I have filled 2 boxes and one large shopping bag for the Vietnam Vets who collects alot of that stuff and uses it for helping fire, flood and homeless victims in our area. You just need to call and they pick it up off of your porch, and we also have a few household lamps and such to donate. I just keep thinking of organizing hints and looking for storage solutions to help me (or us) out. Part of it also is due to the simplify way of life that we all need to think about.

I have stacks of books I want to read, but also stacks of papers to grade and post by Tuesday night. I think I may be able to make a dent tonight since hubby wants to watch playoff football, so I can use that time to read, correct and grade. I really am happy I am a guidance counselor fulltime and just teach the 2 sections of psych. I went to Borders (again!!) and picked up a few new paperbacks I decided I wanted to add to my collection. . . for now. I may end up selling or swapping but I need to see how I feel about the author and the series. Its Laurell Hamilton's Merry Gentry series which is supernatural and a bit different.

My biggest accomplishment of the past week though, has to be designing and completing 4 necklaces and 4 pair of earrings. I have my beads out, but didn't feel much like creating over Christmas. Since then, I have finished up 2 necklaces for me, 1 for a gift, and one to be auctioned off at our banquet (with a pair of earrings too). I also made 2 pair of earrings for a friend from college, and one for Keith's daughter. I use the hoops that you can use to make "wine charms" from, but they make a nice size hoop with beads and dangles. I have already started 2 more for me, and I want to post pics.

However, that brings me to the fact that I need to download the information for our new camera onto this computer. One never knows how long that may take me. Some jobs just get done easier and quicker. But for those interested, I hope to take pics of my beading work and post them. . . if there is anyone left reading here!!


Karen Cunningham said...

Please post the pictures! I'm always amazed by talents other people have that I couldn't do in a million years. Glad you're back, sweetie-I've missed you blogging! :-)

Shannon said...

I would love to see what you made... but I have also been going through stuff to get rid of junk... need to do that some more heheheh...