Well, many a thing has happened since I blogged last, and while I was busy over Easter break with all the things I last mentioned, it was my grandmother's death that took the toll out of me this week. She had been in a Catholic home for about 2 weeks and we saw her on Easter. A week later, she died in the hospital. . .peacefully and easily for someone who has been so ill and having such difficulty breathing. We didn't have the funeral until Friday so out of town cousins (and my brothers) could get here. It was a peaceful celebration of her life because that is what it was. She is with my grandfather again after being seperated for over 3 years, and we are happy that she has found peace again with good health and love. Anyway, the past week has been one of emotional ups and downs with seeing family, but also missing my last grandparent, and seeing the end of a generation in my family.
I had to miss the senior retreat, and still have no idea how it went since we haven't been back to school (obviously), and I hopw things went ok. This week are the last of my junior parent meetings and the prom along with D"UI group, dentist appointment, and getting started on the award banquet stuff. May is the month I feel like I disappear and work takes over, but we do have some fun things going on. Keith's birthday is at the end of the week, and our friends have a cinco de mayo party so we should have some time to celebrate his life.
***A last thought on my grandmother before I continue to pick up this house and get things organized since I haven't been home much. My grandfather died exactly one week before his next birthday, and my grandmother's birthday would have been today. . .one week after she died. Tell me there isn't a heaven where your loved ones wait for you. . .
I am sooo sorry for your loss... but it really does sound like she is in a better place and with her hubby! but, I need your address to send you a thank you card... I had it from past recipe swaps but I don't know where my pages are... so email me at owens1299 at verizon dot net... thanks =)
I wouldn't tell you that! :)
I'm sorry for your loss and hope your good memories of her will make you feel better in time.
I am *so* sorry about the loss of your grandmother. (((hugs)))
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