Sunday, February 05, 2006


And yes, its finally SuperBowl Sunday so all of the Steeler stuff you see on the news, on the local stations, and in the papers will be calming down. However, since the game has not started yet, I guess I can say that it could get worse if the Steelers end up winning the game cause then we will have 25 million evaluations of the game and players. Don't get me wrong, I am a Pittsburgh girl at heart so even though I am not the hugest fan of pro-football, I want to see my team win. . . .and Jerome Bettis (good old ND guy) is a main reason why I want to see them win.
So, I am here to say. . .I really had great intentions to blog more, but for some reason, I just have not made the time. I want to, but I just don't seem to do it. I guess I need to make the same statement again. . ."I have lots to say, and I want to get here to speak more often." Maybe this week I will try to "talk" daily as a challenge to myself.

I am working at DUI on Monday nights and also Saturday mornings currently. This makes my weekends short for sure. Yesterday, though, we hit the new Sam's and Wal**art near us to check out the size and to fight our way through the crowds shopping for food for today. I also got a new blouse, ordered a text I need for Psych class, and bought some Victoria's bath gels and lotions. We had a great dinner, came home and crashed. Today was surely a lazy day to be at home, but I did iron, clean up, get Valentine's gifts ready for nephew and niece, prep some food, and read a little. Oh yeah, and managed to see soem Charmed on the marathon. . .

Life is good. . .cold, a bit snowy, and surely hectic in this city of Steelers, but good. Have a great week. And I will be here each and everyday with something to say that is more than replaying my days.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Congrats on being an aunt!! And I hope you have a great week... not sure who I want to win the super bowl yet lol...