Sunday, November 02, 2008

New look as well

After my post, I realized I had a summery look, so while this is not my own design, it does reflect autumn for me.


Somehow, I let time get away from me. . this summer, after school began, and up until today, I didn't realize how much I enjoyed reading my own posts as a "look back". Today, I searched for an entry from 2006, and as I read my own words, I enjoyed the remembers that came into my brain. So, today, I want to write so I can look back on these days again when I want.

Summer passed with little incidents, but much fun. I spent my days working in the morning, at the pool in the afternoons, and enjoying the summer festivals and such during the evenings. We worked hard at our church festival a week before we took off for California to visit our families. We spend the time with my brother, W and our godson, and had a chance to see Keith's daughter and family as well. We were the babysitter for 4 days while J and W flew back east to attend a wedding. It was a fun time, but boy does he have the stubborn gene.

Another kidney stone ended the summer but I didn't need surgery just time. . .3 and a half weeks to be more exact and really uncomfortableness since it caused me to feel like I had to "go" 24 hours a day for the last week or so before it passed. Not a lot of pain, but miserableness!!

Changes have been happening at work which is what is taking time. We are building a new building to house a gym and classrooms and offices, with a phase two (when it happens) that will include a new office for the guidance counselor. Me. We are dealing with new employees to help us grow and make our lives about teaching and not what else it could be. We have had some growing pains, which I have learned happen as changes occur.

November is bringing more work, open house, some fun times with friends planned, and of course Thanksgiving as well as shopping for Christmas. We should see some family this holiday as J and W just booked flights and G and R with daughters should be in as well.

In closing, while life may seem boring and nothing new happening, I have made it more so in my mind. I am trying to appreciate each day for what it brings, laugh a little, look for the good in the kids (and teachers), and find a quiet moment to do what I want. . .cook, bead, read, watch a favorite TV show, or listen to a CD. Last year at this time, I was worried A LOT about the health issues that popped up with blood tests. I still have the same, but after the tests read negative, I trust the doctor treating me, and will have faith it is just to be. I am currently to receive the last of 14 iron IV treatments on Thursday, so now I wait for a check up in December to see if I need to continue. I can live with that, and I can love each day for what it brings.