I can't believe I let so much time go by. Its not as if I haven't had time. . .I have since school was officially finished on the 9th. Of course that doesn't mean that I have all day to play. I have been here at least 3-4 mornings a week, and sometimes more depending on the week. I have a borrowed laptop at home since our computer was quitting on its own, and we just haven't had a chance to get a new one yet. But we will. . . .yeah, like I do everything. . .soon.
Life is good though, although we are getting alot of rain. There is much to tell, so I will do some highlights. . .
~We had an estate sale at my Gram's and I have a few things to remember her by. . .especially some glasses and a really beautiful table cover from Germany. It will be really hard to see the house sold, but happy that another family may be able to have some great memories there.
~We celebrated our 5 year anniversary at the Melting Pot restaurant (very yummy and very fun!!), and with a gift of diamond stud earring to me. Now I just need to remember to wear them, and feel comfortable and not worried I will lose them.
~We have plans to go to Cape May for vacation in August. .beach, sun, good food and family.
~We have been working on the house, and have some great shrubs out front since my hubby has worked hard to put them in,
and we need to get some bricklike things to edge it.
~We spent the first weekend in June in South Bend at my 20th college reunion with my friends, Sharon, Marci, Joanie, Molly and Teri. It was a great trip, beautiful weather, and a fun memory trip. Its amazing that 5 husbands, 9 kids, 20 years, many states and even another continent can't end friendships. It was like we had just been together as we laughed, caught up and promised to not let this much time go by without a visit again. Marci and I went to see our old dorm which after 20 years has the EXACT SAME bathrooms with no updates. Ugh. They were pretty bad then, but as a 42 year old, we see how what our parents saw. . .!!
~We have some plans for this next week that should be fun including an extended family reunion, a visit with Bill's family (my Mom's husband), and a trip to the Butler county fair with my Dad for his birthday.
~Keith's daughter, Tracy was in town for a surprise (but sad) visit. His ex-mother-in-law died but she had been very ill, so I think the family was sad but also felt relief for her suffering. Anyway, she spent the day with us on Friday as we ran errands, and then took her out to eat and shop at the new mall.
I fully intend to try to get here more to update if there is anyone who stops by anymore. Have a great week.